
Webinar: The Building Safety Act: Gateway 3 - Information, Arrangements and Compliance

David Hills
Posted by David Hills on Sep 28, 2022 5:39:01 PM

Discover the 5 new digital safety must-haves for BTR. Learn from David Hills, one of the top industry's experts with over 30 years of experience as he explains elements of Gateway 3.


Today’s webinar marks the first in series of webinars with Osborne Clarke on the Building Safety Act 2022. We had almost 100 registrants and the webinar focused on the type, nature and management of information through the new Gateway Regime as outlined within the Act. We had some great questions including:

  • How the regulator will be dealing with phased occupation and information?
  • How information will need to be provided on tight timelines during the handover process and how will such information be shared?
  • Who has accountability in dealing with information during the development and management phases of the building’s lifecycle?


To find our more about how we can support you with the act, click here to get in touch with us.


Topics: Webinar